Dkact Nodejs Switcher provides automatic setting of system variables for Nodejs-related tools, has built-in long-term support for Node.js 16, 18, 20, and 22 versions. The above versions are all suitable for use in production or development environments.
Software preview:
Supported operating systems: Windows 10/11/7 64-bit system
Test instructions: This software has been fully tested on Windows 10 64-bit and Windows 11 64-bit systems, and all functions are fully supported on the above systems. This software has not been fully tested on Windows 7 64-bit system, and some functions may not be compatible.
Cur rent version: 3.6.9
Download address 1:
Download DkactNodejsSwitcherFull
Download address 2:
Download DkactNodejsSwitcherFull
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